apparemment, javascript est désactivé sur votre navigateur. javascript doit être activé dans votre navigateur pour utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités de ce site. 0800 360 350 croquettes et soins chien, chat équidé nutrition et soins naturels pour chien, chat et équidé en livraison gratuite à domicile -- panier 0,00 € votre panier est vide. accueil actualités témoignages se connecter s'inscrire mon compte ma liste d'envies chercher comparer (0) vous n'avez pas d'articles à comparer. accueil actualités témoignages se connecter s'inscrire mon compte ma liste d'envies chercher menu chiens croquettes pour chien chiot sans céréales chien adulte petite race taille moyenne/grande très grande race chien allergique/sensible chien stérilisé chiens en surpoids chien actif chien âgé pâtés aliments humides pour chiots aliments humides pour chiens adultes aliments humides pour chiens âgés friandises anti-puces/anti-parasitaires compléments alimentaires douleurs articulaires hygiène intestinale hygiène rénale anti-stress huile de saumon digestion soins toilettage/shampoing accessoires jouets pour chien chats croquettes pour chat chaton chat adulte sans céréales chat âgé chat stérilisé santé urinaire pâtés litière litière agglomérante litière à base de pin anti-puces/anti-parasitaires compléments alimentaires soins toilettage friandises accessoires jouet cheval toute la gamme santé intestinale anti-stress mobilité dermite estivale anti-insectes vitamines et minéraux soins des sabots respiration friandises récupération soins toilettage crins difficiles electrolyte pansement gastrique echantillon gratuit accessoires blog conseils chiens accueillir un chiot le chiot et le jeu les vacances avec mon chien les jouets pour chien mon chien a une otite le chocolat : un danger pour le chien des friandises saines pour halloween réduire le stress de votre animal de compagnie lors du départ en vacances idées cadeaux de noël pour votre chien les allergies alimentaires du chien prendre soin de son chien en hiver comportement alimentaire chez le chien les puces et les tiques les croquettes light pour chiens l'alimentation du chiot la constipation chez le chien le langage corporel du chien la seborrée du chien intoxication ménagère du chien la stérilisation de votre chien le syndrome de l'oeil rouge chez le chien vermifuger son chien l'arthrose du chien la coprophagie chez le chien le tartre du chien grossesse nerveuse de la chienne les vomissements du chien la dysplasie de la hanche chez le chien la cataracte chez le chien la démodécie du chien les tumeurs mammaires de la chienne comment protéger les coussinets de mon chien en été votre chien a le nez qui coule ? les chenilles processionnaires : danger pour votre chien le diabète sucré du chien prévenir l'invasion de puces la fente palatine chez le chien insuffisance rénale du chien l'insuffisance cardiaque chez le chien démodécie chez le chien cycle de la chienne convulsions du chien dermatoses du chien et du chat intoxications du chien par les plantes dermatoses du chien mon chien a les yeux qui coulent la leptospirose du chien la stérilisation de votre chien crème cicatrisante pour chiens, chats et équidés les premiers secours avec votre chien conteneur de croquettes combien de repas un chien doit-il faire par jour ? la propreté du chiot conseils chats idées cadeaux de noël pour votre chat litière avec indicateur de protéines urinaires calculs urinaires du chat pour le bien-être de votre chat constipation du chat votre chat devient vieux vermifuger son chat l'agressivité du chat le stress du chat eviter la formation des boules de poils chez le chat les puces chez le chat les vacances avec mon chat le chat d'appartement les 5 sens du chat les besoins du chaton de la naissance à 3 mois stress et vacances chez le chat problèmes urinaires du chat : prévenir et contrôler problèmes urinaires chez le chat : contrôler et prévenir pourquoi le chat se lèche autant ? adopter un chaton conseils chevaux l'hydratation des sabots en été traiter la dermite estivale les soins des pieds chez les équidés phytothérapie et soins pour chevaux en concours vitamines et minéraux pour chevaux catalogue a propos notre vision des aliments de haute qualité husse dans le monde nous contacter husse recrute devenir franchisé devenir vdi chien chat devenir distributeur devenir vdi équin husse dans le monde nos clients notre vision santÉ & bien-Être husse dans le monde echantillon de croquettes gratuit testez nos produits pour chiens et chats vous souhaitez faire découvrir nos aliments à vos compagnons ? testez nos croquettes, demandez votre échantillon gratuit ! commandez votre échantillon > livraison gratuite ses croquettes livrées chez vous ! un conseiller husse, spécialisé en nutrition animale, vous livre gratuitement à votre domicile. (à partir de 25 € d'achat) en savoir+ > conseils d'experts recevez les conseils d'un expert vous vous interrogez sur l'alimentation, la santé ou le comportement de votre animal ? nos experts vous apportent leurs réponses et leurs conseils. posez votre question > nous vous recommandons offre spéciale opus lynx croquettes sans céréales pour chats.un aliment complet sans c&eacu...; choisissez une option... \n","product_attributes_markup":"div.product-collateral","customstockdisplay":false,"sortinfo":{"2549":"1","3853":"0"},"showoutofstock":false,"stockinfo":{"2549":{"stocklabel":"epuis\u00e9","stockqty":0,"is_in_stock":false},"3853":{"stocklabel":"epuis\u00e9","stockqty":0,"is_in_stock":false}},"childproducts":{"2549":{"price":"14.92","finalprice":"14.92","tierpricing":"0"},"3853":{"price":"41.83","finalprice":"41.83","tierpricing":"0"}},"showpricerangesinoptions":true,"rangetolabel":"-","hideprices":false,"disable_out_of_stock_option":true,"productname":"opus 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\r\n contains lecithin and l-carnitine to increase digestibility of fats \r\n \r\n promotes healthy, shiny coat \r\n \r\n optimal levels of fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 to support the condition of the skin and coat \r\n enriched with copper and zinc to stimulate enzymes which maintain the colour of the coat \r\n \r\n optimal taurine content \r\n \r\n taurine is an essential amino acid that cats don’t produce themselves, it supports eye health and a healthy heart \r\n rich in chicken, which is natural source of taurine \r\n enriched with extra taurine to guarantee the right level for your cat \r\n \r\n strenghtens the immune system \r\n \r\n with rosemary and polyphenols of green tea, natural antioxidants that will strengthen natural immunity of the cat \r\n \r\n contains yucca extract \r\n \r\n yucca saponins have ammonia-binding activity. when added to the diet, yucca saponins pass through the digestive tract unabsorbed and are excreted in the faeces. in the excreta, the yucca components bind to ammonia and certain other odoriferous compounds and prevent them from being released into the air \r\n "},"3853":{"description":" food quality \r\n \r\n animal protein 90% \r\n \r\n \r\n grain free formula \r\n \r\n grain and gluten free formula, based on chicken and potato. \r\n highly digestible with carefully selected ingredients. potato is a highly digestible energy source and is a gluten free ingredient. \r\n \r\n high protein & fat, low carb \r\n \r\n inspired by the diet of the wild lynx: high in protein and fat, low in carbohydrates. \r\n high protein content helps maintain muscle mass. \r\n low-carbohydrate diets are highly digestible and promote health due to their low glycemic index. \r\n \r\n supports healthy digestion \r\n \r\n contains chicken as main animal protein source; high quality, easily digestible ingredient to give a great taste \r\n contains fructo-oligosaccharides which favour ‘good’ bacteria in the intestinal tract \r\n contains lecithin and l-carnitine to increase digestibility of fats \r\n \r\n promotes healthy, shiny coat \r\n \r\n optimal levels of fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 to support the condition of the skin and coat \r\n enriched with copper and zinc to stimulate enzymes which maintain the colour of the coat \r\n \r\n optimal taurine content \r\n \r\n taurine is an essential amino acid that cats don’t produce themselves, it supports eye health and a healthy heart \r\n rich in chicken, which is natural source of taurine \r\n enriched with extra taurine to guarantee the right level for your cat \r\n \r\n strenghtens the immune system \r\n \r\n with rosemary and polyphenols of green tea, natural antioxidants that will strengthen natural immunity of the cat \r\n \r\n contains yucca extract \r\n \r\n yucca saponins have ammonia-binding activity. when added to the diet, yucca saponins pass through the digestive tract unabsorbed and are excreted in the faeces. in the excreta, the yucca components bind to ammonia and certain other odoriferous compounds and prevent them from being released into the air \r\n "}},"product_description_markup":" div.std","updatedescription":true,"showfromprice":false,"updateproductimage":true,"product_image_markup":"p.product-image img","pricefromlabel":"de :","ajaxbaseurl":"https:\/\/\/spp\/ajax\/","zoomtype":"1"},{"productid":"2548","priceformat":{"pattern":"%s\u00a0\u20ac","precision":2,"requiredprecision":2,"decimalsymbol":",","groupsymbol":"\u00a0","grouplength":3,"integerrequired":1},"includetax":"false","showincludetax":true,"showbothprices":false,"productprice":14.92,"productoldprice":14.92,"priceincltax":17.9,"priceexcltax":17.9,"skipcalculate":1,"defaulttax":20,"currenttax":20,"idsuffix":"_clone","oldplusdisposition":0,"plusdisposition":0,"plusdispositiontax":0,"oldminusdisposition":0,"minusdisposition":0,"tierprices":[],"tierpricesincltax":[],"customnumber":752}); var optionsprice_2548752 = new 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control by absorbing traces of organic compounds, contained in cats’ faeces and urine. \r\n with thyme, which contains thymol, a volatile oil that gives antiseptic and disinfectant properties. \r\n \r\n detecting principle \r\n \r\n urinary lithiasis is a common disease for cats. if the cat’s kidney function is normal, there’s no protein in the urine. when the kidney or the ureter is infected, protein will appear in the urine. \r\n a non-toxic and harmless active ingredient is added so that husse cat litter can detect proteinuria. \r\n \r\n how to determine whether protein is passed in the urine? \r\n \r\n if the yellow cat litter indicator turns blue, it means your cat may suffer from urinary diseases or infections. \r\n the cat litter yellow particles turn blue in 30 minutes after the cat urinates and this lasts for a week. at the same time, your cat increases the amount of times which it urinates; there is mixed blood in the urine, dysuria and screaming because of painful urination. then, there is likely to be a disease in the urinary system. you need to contact the vet as soon as possible. \r\n \r\n \r\n before | \r\n ok! \r\n attention! \r\n alarm! \r\n | after \r\n \r\n instructions for use: \r\n \r\n fill the tray with litter to a depth of at least 5-6 cm. \r\n remove solid lumps and other dirtied parts of the litter with a slotted scoop and top-up the level of the litter every day. \r\n change litter completely when necessary, washing and drying the tray thoroughly. one box of 6 l lasts for one month for one cat. \r\n "}},"product_description_markup":" div.std","updatedescription":true,"showfromprice":false,"updateproductimage":true,"product_image_markup":"p.product-image img","pricefromlabel":"de 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12kg"}},"product_name_markup":"div.product-shop div.product-name h1","updateproductname":true,"shortdescription":" croquettes sans céréales pour chien adulte croquettes sans céréales pour chien élaborées pour tous les chiens adultes et en particulier pour les chiens intolérants aux céréales . un aliment super premium riche en protéines, inspirée du régime alimentaire du loup dans laquelle la viande constitue l'ingrédient principal. poulet\/pomme de terre protéines animales 84% \r\n ","shortdescriptions":{"3720":{"shortdescription":"a grain-free formula, specially developed for dogs\u2019 natural needs, utilising energy from animal sources"}},"product_shortdescription_markup":"div.product-shop div.short-description div.std","updateshortdescription":true,"description":null,"descriptions":{"3720":{"description":" food quality \r\n \r\n animal protein 84%. \r\n \r\n \r\n grain-free formula \r\n \r\n opus farm contains no cereals and is suitable for dogs with sensitive digestive systems. \r\n highly digestible with carefully selected ingredients based on chicken and potato. potato is a highly digestible energy source which is very palatable for dogs and is a gluten free ingredient. \r\n the chicken and potato recipe is also free from any artificial colourings or flavourings and preserved naturally with a combination of natural tocopherols. \r\n \r\n high protein & fat, low carb \r\n \r\n inspired by the diet of wolves: high in protein and fat, low in carbohydrates. \r\n high protein content helps maintain muscle mass. \r\n high level animal protein. \r\n low-carbohydrate diets are highly digestible and promote health due to their low glycemic index. \r\n \r\n promotes healthy, shiny coat \r\n \r\n rich in fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 to improve the condition of the skin and coat. \r\n linseed as natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. \r\n enriched with copper to stimulate enzymes which maintain colour of the coat. \r\n \r\n monoprotein product that supports healthy digestion \r\n \r\n contains chicken as only animal protein source. \r\n first ingredient (chicken) = animal origin. \r\n grain and gluten free formula; potato as n°1 source of carbohydrates. \r\n contains fructo-oligosaccharides which favour ‘good’ bacteria in the intestinal tract. \r\n contains lecithin to increase digestibility of fats. \r\n with vegetable fibres to promote intestinal health. \r\n \r\n rich in minerals to support healthy bones and teeth \r\n \r\n contains calcium and phosphorus to support healthy bones and teeth. \r\n enriched with vitamin d for optimal absorption of phosphorus. \r\n "}},"product_description_markup":" div.std","updatedescription":true,"showfromprice":false,"updateproductimage":true,"product_image_markup":"p.product-image img","pricefromlabel":"de 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div.std","updateshortdescription":true,"description":null,"descriptions":{"3859":{"description":" otitis (ear infection) in dogs & cats \r\n causes \r\n \r\n inflammation of the ear canal. \r\n bacteria. \r\n yeast\/fungus. \r\n don't confuse this with ear parasites. \r\n \r\n \r\n example of dog breeds more susceptible to canine ear infections: \r\n \r\n long, heavy, or “pendulous” ears (spaniels, cocker spaniels): the ear flap covers the ear canal and promotes the development of germs in the ear. \r\n long and narrow auditory canal (german shepherd). \r\n hairy-eared breeds\/ dogs with hairy external canals (spaniels, poodles, bichons frises): long-haired breeds have more hair growing inside of their ear canals. this traps moisture and debris. \r\n breeds where cerumen is abundant (spaniels, labradors, springers). \r\n breeds with a tortuous ear canal, full of folds (shar pei, chow-chow). \r\n cats are also prone to this infection (e.g. persian cats). \r\n \r\n \r\n prevention \r\n the key to healthy ears is to keep them clean. routine ear cleaning may reduce chances of infection. check your dog's ears weekly. a slight amount of waxy build-up may be present in normal ears. if your dog swims a lot, has pendulous ears or a history of ear disease, routine cleaning (often once to three times per week) is recommended. be warned, however, that too frequent and overly vigorous inner ear washes may bedamaging to the ear canal. your veterinarian will determine and advise you on proper care procedure for your dog. \r\n remember, if your dog is showing severe discomfort, the ears have a bad smell, or the ear canals look very abnormal, you need to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible! \r\n \r\n properties of öron´s ingredients \r\n \r\n organically farmed cider vinegar: anti-fungal. the vinegar is composed of acetic acid which will allow the dissolution of cerumen. it has anantiseptic and disinfectant action. \r\n concentred, puri\ufb01ed and \ufb01ltered sea water: rich in oligo elements, helps with the cleansing of the ear. \r\n tea tree essential oil: powerful antiseptic, healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal. \r\n camphor tree essential oil: powerful anti-infective, antiviral, antiseptic. stimulates the immune system. \r\n paperbark tree essential oil: antiviral, anti-infective, healing, pain-killer. \r\n \r\n \r\n use: \r\n once or twice per week to clean the dog’s ears. when the dog’s ears are irritated, the product should be applied once per day for a period of one week. apply some drops in the ear canal without creating any suction with the applicator tip. after application, massage the base of the ear back and forth for 30 seconds. leave the product in the ears for a few minutes preventing the animal from shaking its head. use a compress to remove the soiling product. soft and non-aggressive product, can be used on irritated ears or super\ufb01cial wounds. only for animal external hygiene. do not apply the product into the ear canal in case of a ruptured ear drum! \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n "}},"product_description_markup":" div.std","updatedescription":true,"showfromprice":false,"updateproductimage":true,"product_image_markup":"p.product-image img","pricefromlabel":"de :","ajaxbaseurl":"https:\/\/\/spp\/ajax\/","zoomtype":"1"},{"productid":"3858","priceformat":{"pattern":"%s\u00a0\u20ac","precision":2,"requiredprecision":2,"decimalsymbol":",","groupsymbol":"\u00a0","grouplength":3,"integerrequired":1},"includetax":"false","showincludetax":true,"showbothprices":false,"productprice":8.33,"productoldprice":8.33,"priceincltax":10,"priceexcltax":10,"skipcalculate":1,"defaulttax":20,"currenttax":20,"idsuffix":"_clone","oldplusdisposition":0,"plusdisposition":0,"plusdispositiontax":0,"oldminusdisposition":0,"minusdisposition":0,"tierprices":[],"tierpricesincltax":[],"customnumber":409}); var optionsprice_3858409 = new 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